- Currículum
First project
1Part-1 introduction
2Part-2 code editor
3Part-3 first web page
4Part-4 comments
5Part-5 external file
6Part-6 data types
7Part-7 using html in javascript
8Part-8 variables
9Part-9 prompt box
10Part-10 arithmetic operators
11Part-11 assignment operators
12Part-12 comparison operators
13Part-13 logical operators
14Part-14 else-if statement
15Part-15 nested if
16Part-16 switch statement
17Part-17 for loop
18Part-18 nested loop
19Part-19 while loop
20Part-20 do-while loop
21Part-21 function
22Part-22 multiple parametre with function
23Part-23 return function
24Part-24 nested function
25Part-25 break and continue function
26Part-26 global and local variable
27Part-27 onclick function
28Part-28 array
29Part-29 creating array in different ways
30Part-30 array properties and method
31Part-31 array join and pop method
32Part-32 reverse push and sort method
33Lecture 33
Second project
Third Project